Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in computer science
Grenoble Alpes University - Since 2015
LCIS Laboratory, CO4SYS team.
IUT de Valence, computer science department
Post-doctoral researcher
Grenoble Alpes University - LCIS CO4SYS team, 2013-2015
Using a Multi-Agent System as a social and healthcare assistant for elderly people through Android mobile devices.
MAS for the control and monitoring of dynamical complex systems using distributed model-based control theory.
Software Engineer
Diginext 2010-2012
Software design and development, ~500Kl C++, Qt, OpenGL, Linux, OSX.
Post-doctoral researcher
Univ Toulouse 1 Capitole - IRIT, SMAC-VORTEX team, 2009-2010
Decision making architecture for virtual agents
Learning Classifier Systems,
Rule-based systems.
🎓 PhD Electrical Engineering - U. Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada
2009, Emotion Generation Based on a Mismatch Theory of Emotions for Situated Agents
🎓 Master’s Degree - Artificial Intelligence - U. P. et Marie Currie, Paris VI
2002, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern recognition, and their Applications - DEA IARFA
Internship at LIP6 laboratory under the supervision of Alexis Drogoul and Louis Hugues.
Academic Service
Conference Chair
Organizing comitee JFSMA'2021
Local chair JFSMA'2014
Program comitee
JFSMA 2021
Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO)
Service Computing (IEEE SCC)
Journée Francophones sur les Systèmes multi-Agents (JFSMA)
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)